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Can the D.A. Use Evidence of Your Prior Arrests Against You?

Can the D.A. Use Evidence of Your Prior Arrests Against You?

When you are in court for a DUI or a drug crime, you may be concerned that the D.A. will use evidence of your prior arrests against you to secure a conviction. If you were arrested for the same crime previously, you may fear that your previous arrest will be used to show that you committed the crime this time. You will be glad to learn that Oklahoma has limitations on how evidence of previous arrests and convictions can be used in court. Often previous arrests have no relevance to a later arrest, because arrests do not mean that you were...

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Legality of the Car Search in Oklahoma

Legality of the Car Search in Oklahoma

During DUI arrests in Oklahoma, police may be able to legally search the driver’s automobile. But wait – you may say – doesn’t the Fourth Amendment protect people against unreasonable searches and seizures of their property? Yes, and so does Article 2, Section 30 of the Oklahoma Constitution. However, several exceptions apply during traffic stops that could allow police to search your car. Police usually must have a search warrant to conduct an automobile search. If there was no warrant, the courts assume that the search was unreasonable, and the government must demonstrate that the search was reasonable. Otherwise, evidence from...

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